I told you all in a previous post that I had some new ideas
in store…and here it is! I’m moving to my own website! Because all
of a sudden what I have to say requires its own domain name! ;) This will
be my last official post on blogger.
Now you can find me here:
So why the new site? It’s actually because I want to
change the focus of my blog slightly and concentrate specifically on
horses. Previous posts have included a variety of topics, but I’m hoping
to narrow down that focus (if I can!). So here it is – all horses, all
the time…with a special look at the wonderful world of OTTBs (off-the-track
So bear with me – this site is definitely going to be a work
in progress for quite some time. I’ll probably be rearranging the lay-out
/ menu options / everything, over the next few months until I really find my