Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I Want a New Horse Syndrome

I’m going through an ‘I need a new animal’ phase. You know how some people feel the need to buy a new car every few years...or even move into a new house? I’m that way with animals…every few years, I just need one. I haven’t added to my four-legged furry collection since July 13, 2008, the day I brought Misty home. That’s been almost 3 years.


Do you know how long that is in ‘Laurie needs a new animal’ years? At least 15.

This little filly will lighten up and grey out...omg I MUST have her!

What I’d really prefer is another horse. But as Misty can cost more than my mortgage some months (not joking), I’ll take a dog or a cat. But there is one large, red-headed obstacle between me and new animal bliss…James.

I'm dying just looking at this picture - there is nothing cuter than a long-legged foal!

James has recently started this ridiculously terrible and horrific thing called, “the budget.” And while I admire “the budget’s” ability to let us know if we’re on track with our savings goals, I also despise him for being a complete and total snake. He rats me out to James every month by delivering cold hard numbers showing EXACTLY how much I spent on the animals. It’s hard to make a good case for wanting – no – NEEDING another animal when “the budget’s” statistics get thrown back in my face.

Kittens!  Inspired by...Kittens!!  I sincerely hope he wreaked havoc with these brushes - LOVE bad cats!

And at the end of the day, despite my excuses and skepticism, “the budget” just does not lie. I hate him and his incredible accuracy.

My go-to line: “but if we’re not having kids, we can TOTALLY afford another horse!” James: “regardless of kids, when the “Animals” category is a very close second to the “Mortgage” category, that’s a problem!”

We obviously have two very different definitions of the word ‘problem.’

Yes...I WILL sneak a well-dressed duck into the house one day.

But no worries – I will wear both James AND “the budget” down. And as they say, it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission! ;)

And in case you're wondering - no - I don't want one of these!!  Haha!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A View from the Outside

Though James and I had a fairly jam-packed trip to Lexington with touring farms and consuming bourbon, we also took time to just drive around the area and take in some of the magnificent sights.  After you've driven along Van Meter Road and down Frankfort Pike, you’ll understand why Dreamer writer/director John Gatkins told columnist Rich Copely that Lexington offered “an embarrassment of riches” when it came to shooting locations.

Below are some pictures of the entrances to several farms…can you imagine living here and calling this place ‘home’?!?  I begged James more than once to stop the car so I could hop the gates for a better look…but the need to ‘be reasonable’ and the fear of ‘getting arrested’ prevented him from doing that.

Darley Stud - this is where Bernardini stands.  He's Zenyatta's baby daddy.

Another entrance at Darley.

Not sure of the name of this farm - but these gates were featured in the movie Dreamer.  Kurt Russell and Dakota Fanning entered through these gates on their way to meet a potential stud for their horse...but the farm they used for this scene was actually Ashford Stud (see pictures of Ashford here).

Thursday, June 2, 2011

More Preakness Pictures

As I mentioned in a previous blog, James was covering Preakness and the days leading up to it for his agency, Zuma Press.  Below are some of my favorite pictures.  Enjoy!

This is probably one of my all-time favorite pictures - period.  I love the sky...the subject (naturally) and the simplicity of the horse and rider out for an early morning workout.

I think this picture was taken on Black Eyed Susan Day.  Todd Pletcher, trainer of 2010 Kentucky Derby winner, Super Saver, takes a stroll past the starting gate.

Mucho Macho Man ponders the meaning of life.

Here is Shackleford, the eventual winner, working out the day before the Preakness.

Look at this guy go!!

And I saved the most interesting picture for last!  The horse on the right is Misty's "brother"...kind of.  This horse's grandsire was Misty's sire.  Money For Love put up a tremendous fight, but he came in second by a nose.